Another Quick Tip on Sys.WebForms.PagerequestManagerParserError

I have got this error off late , i tried googling around and found a lot of resources regarding this error, but i think each and every time the error seems to have reincarnating itself into different forms, in my case the error explanation was unknown error , blah blah ….. server returned 404 .  in the first 10 searches doesn’t seem to return my case

scenario : this error only occurs on ajax 1.0 with 2 update panel

remedies suggested: remove any response.write or server.transfer inside the update panel , disable trace in web.config, prevent httpmodule from rewriting part of response or prevent response filter from rewriting part of response

in my case i am using a gridview inside an update panel which has edit button update and cancel button which is rewriting the response.

solution : i changed the triggers of the update panel to postback from asynchronous postback , but it compromises the effect of updatepanel itself , but i have to live with that one ,

strange enough this occurs only in ie5+ and not in Firefox 3.5

links of interest regarding this error is :